Why I choose Blogger?

Choose Blogger if you are on a budget.
At the moment the Google Blogger is absolutely FREE.
You can write as many posts you want, and save as many images and videos you want. You do not have to worry about memory, virtual space, and similar things.

Your URL will get prefix https:// as default. That means that your blog is secure, unlike another prefix http://. The little ''s''  means that your URL has a security certificate that Google Blogger has as a default feature. Otherwise, you have to buy this feature.

Buying a domain is the cheapest thing in the whole online presence story.
Of course, you can go without a domain, but there is something that's called ''Google indexing''. So if you do not want to wait for Google index your site, simply go to Google Webmaster Tool and submit your URL manually any time you want. I usually do that every time when I am finished with post publishing.

Using Blogger for your platform is a learning curve. You will not have a fancy blog at the beginning. But it is at a low cost as possible.

I'll occasionally write here some blogging TIPS. That I'll do for you as well for myself just as a reminder of how to do some things.

So my first TIPS is: make a backup copy of your blogger theme and download it on your PC.
Do not forget to do that every time you want to make bigger changes to your blog.

The steps to do that are the following:
1.) from the left side of the screen click on Theme
2) click on ''Backup/Restore'' button (old blogger version) or on the 3 dots from the right side
3.) choose ''Backup''
4.) choose '' Download'' and save the file somewhere on your PC

If you are not satisfied with the new look of the blog changes simply repeat all steps and upload the version you saved.

Happy blogging wish your Dina from Print Cut Hang!

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